So, after The Romantics I started to re-read one of my favorite series, The Heir series by Cinda Williams Chima. There are 5 books in the series that I know of, and they are all AWESOME! So, I decided to get more books by her. I checked out a book called Flamecaster that she wrote. It was a different style than what she usually writes, but it seemed kind of bland. It was as if she reused story ideas from the Heir series, but buried them in battles, romance, and politics. And the character interactions seemed to be the same. So while it felt like the Heir series buried under a plot, I still like it and hope there are more in the Heir and Shattered Realms series.
Me and my partner (you can find her page here have some definite differences on our blog posts. I tend to write more long posts that have a lot to take in. She tends to update with posts that are short, and to the point. She also loves romance novels way more than I do.
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I finished the book about 2 weeks ago. And again I have to say, that I loved it. I wish the book was longer, or their was a sequel. The book kind have had an open ended, with a boy that was heartbroken. So I would love to see a story from his view (well Love's view, but about him). I would have to say that the book definitely gives you very little. I loved the book, and the writing style, but there wasn't enough pages. I feel like the author could have kept the book going, or added a lot more scenes to the book. Maybe I'm just used to long books that overly describe things. I don't know. All I know is, the book was great and I want MORE!
There isn't a lot of public information on the author. There is no Wikipedia page on her, and her official website ( does not offer much information about her life.
Though there is one mention of her being a romantic on the inside cover of The Romantics. It says that she became a Romantic while writing the book, but we can only imagine why she feels this way. She is married, and some scenes from the book might have been influenced by her own relationship. We can hope and dream that she might explain how or why she came up with the book in a later time. Or maybe a website will reveal more about her. Even without an explanation about the book, it's a great read and the author should definitely get a better website or a Wikipedia page!
I know, I know. This is on the first page of the book! Even though its on the first page, don't get mad at me! It's honestly a good quote that explains Love. How even though it exists everywhere, it isn't well known. And it is often imitated under false pretenses, but true love can never be duplicated.
I am the Globgoglabalab. I love books, and this website is a true treasure trove. I am not too into romance books, biographies, or any history books. Unless the topic is war. I love fantasy, adventure, and mystery books. The thicker they are, the better. I am into Cinda William Chima, Rick Riordan, J.K Rowling, and many others! I also love reading about mythology, and other religions other than Christianity.
I am going to read The Romantics by Leah Konen. We were instructed to pair up with someone for a book project. My partner forced me to read a romance book. I had heard good things about The Romantics so I chose that book. Our Liberian book talks books to us, by reading us summaries. In February, she pitched us The Romantics. I hope it goes well, and I will post more in the future!